书香云海 -刘邦演义
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》刘邦演义电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • ISBN:9787020021802
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:1996-04
  • 页数:暂无页数
  • 价格:16.60
  • 纸张:暂无纸张
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 更新时间:2025-01-07 01:07:25





部 刘邦举义

回 竹皮冠空山横紫翠 樊狗屠夕阳红半楼

第二回 因功受辱刘邦气短 借酒寻衅樊哙交友

第三回 大闹青馆夏侯被殴 私卖田产周勃救友

第四回 刘邦放浪太公训子 宾客云聚长嫂敲釜

第五回 功曹施计移花接木 吕公相面嫁女执帚

第六回 春寂寂秦皇观天象 夜沉沉赵高献歪策

第七回 居心叵测温雄派差 忧心如焚王母托贤

第八回 经南阳刘邦期得志 过钱塘项羽欲超伦

第九回 沙丘宫变子房预知 骊山墓葬二世乱国

第十回 聚龙虎项梁私演兵 汇贤才张良赴友约


第二部 三良归汉

第二十六回 出师不利沛公受阻 借奔母丧主帅返丰

第二十七回 杀泗守二吕初立功 下二城萧曹连双喜

第二十八回 利迷心窍雍齿叛主 衣锦还乡刘邦蒙羞

第二十九回 劝夫君吕雉施小计 做说客食其演故事

第三十回 贤令史守拙献东阳 智亚父退步扶楚裔

第三十一回 暂栖身刘邦谋借兵 识英主子房荐故人

第三十二回 章邯恃勇欲挽狂澜 项羽逞威力挫挫秦锋

第三十三回 机关算尽李斯就戮 骄兵必败项梁终寿

第三十四回 两将争锋怀王立约 为虎设栅宋义登坛

第三十五回 凭三寸舌郦生取邑 收庶民心沛公怀柔


第三部 楚汉风云

第四十八回 樊哙受命明修栈道 韩信用计暗渡陈仓

第四十九回 步线行针章邯自刎 摧枯拉朽三秦属汉

第五十回 尺牍羽张良调霸王 聚南阳刘邦收王陵

第五十一回 试金煞江英布违嘱 将计就计汉王弑帝

第五十二回 霸王屠齐劳而无功 韩信取殷一箭双雕

第五十三回 良禽择木陈平还金 急中生智赤身过河

第五十四回 嫉新宠众将谏汉王 慕高才无知巧解难

第五十五回 下洛邑董公献重谋 发哀兵汉王指彭城

第五十六回 萌故态刘邦乐深宫 恨城破霸王发飞兵

第五十七回 彭城酒臭汉军瓦解 北门虎吼殷王毙命


第四部 灭异姓王

第八十七回 丝竹管弦鲁公遗德 江陵感义共尉兴兵

第八十八回 笑夺兵权齐王改封 定都雒阳刘邦称帝

第八十九回 巡春酒高祖议功狗 拒封侯田横甘献首

第九十回 谈风水娄敬劝迁都 约三章吕后炎忌火

第九十一回 栖身无处季布逢春 重提旧誓丁公受诛

第九十二回 迫至交荆王求自全 幸云梦高祖却心病

第九十三回 临终托孤刘肥封王 众议汹汹雍齿获益

第九十四回 立朝仪叔孙通重儒 私相授审食其使奸

第九十五回 冒顿称王边寨烽火 刘邦亲征受困白登

第九十六回 风声鹤唳汉主熬更 借助雌威陈平赠图


















  • 作者:羽落弦 发布时间:2017-12-30 23:18:15


  • 作者:匡轶歌 发布时间:2010-03-21 15:11:00


  • 作者:烟斗客甲 发布时间:2018-07-03 10:57:23

    各省都有单册 福建的山很美各类构造都有 土楼建筑独特但游客太多太喧闹如果有熟人带去不是景点的土楼会更有沧桑岁月感觉 闽南话自成一体小食店两个姑娘边吃边争执跑进跑出一个尖声指鼻一个安之若素直到他们吵好吃完离开一句没听懂 公园里的老爷爷也在听闽南戏特有别于他地 潮州也行闽南语未知究竟 铁观音最好喝每个小伙姑娘似乎都是泡茶高手

  • 作者:TR 发布时间:2018-08-06 20:37:08


  • 作者:Amber琥珀小姐 发布时间:2009-03-13 10:56:14


  • 作者:张瑜 发布时间:2020-02-01 06:33:55



  • On the Meaning of Human Existence

    作者:Ruixi 发布时间:2018-12-09 01:51:39

    Instead of an ordinary use of “meaning”, one about intent and design, Wilson applies a broader definition of “meaning”, which is the idea that the random walk of accidents in human’s revolutionary history alters the future events. Humanity’s existence is the adaption to other potential events that led us to our current existence. These possibilities of alternative events consist our “meaning”. He argues that humanity arose on its own as humans “are not predestined to reach any goal”, nor are they “answerable to any power but their own”. To explain the advanced social behavior of human beings and other animal species, he introduces “eusociality”, a condition in which members of a group “cooperatively rear their young across multiple generations.” He goes on to argue that eusociality is a result of both individual and group selection, and a key to the meaning of human existence is a biological species’ adaption to live in a biological world.

    Building on that, he specifically discusses human’s inner conflict with an evolution based approach. To answer the question on whether human beings are intrinsically good but corruptible by the forces of evil, or innately sinful yet redeemable by the forces of good, he suggests that as a result of multilevel selection, we are both because individual selection promoted sin, while group selection promoted virtue. However, inclusive fitness has been shown to apply to only extreme situations, and thus the driving force of social evolution is the creation of groups.

    Wilson draws a division between science and humanities. He points out that science has a property unlike humanities, the continuum that allows us to explore the tiniest perception, but its advances will slow once it reaches a certain size and complexity. Humanities on the other hand, our cultures, languages, religious beliefs and social practices are what “real aliens” will be interested in, and they remain important in the long run.

    Wilson points out that compared to most of the species, whose interactions among others of their species depend on pheromones, for interaction among others of their species, humans experience only a small part of the world through senses because we are primarily audiovisual. We evolved into a species whose heads are farther from the ground, and from the other species who live there than most others.

    He then goes on to discuss one example of other forms of existence, the “super-organisms” like ants and termites. Within one super-organism, each individual plays a role in a larger organism without being aware of that role. Wilson believes that humans shouldn’t live the way super-organisms exist and he believes that it’s not a stable way of existence since the current collapse of honeybees around the world indicates the vulnerability of such complex, fragile, organisms.

    When it comes to E.T., Wilson gives a detailed description of characteristics of a hypothetical intelligent species of extra-terrestrials. He concludes that such a species would be – like humans – land-dwellers, relatively large and biologically audiovisual. The species would have a big, distinct head, located up front; light to moderate jaws and teeth; very high social intelligence; a small number of appendages and segments and one pair that has sensitive tips for touch and grasping. The species would also be moral.

    However, he believes that aliens could never successfully invade Earth, nor can humans successfully settle an alien planet because “the two living worlds, ours and theirs, are radically different in origin, molecular machinery, and the endless pathways of evolution that produced the life-forms then brought together by colonization. The ecosystems and species of the alien world would be wholly incompatible with our own.” I think such statement slightly contradicts his view on science because I would assume that the forms of every potentially existing ecosystem are included in science, as science is defined. In this way, humans can (at least hypothetically have the potential to) discover and study a radically different ecosystem and how it operates. To settle an alien planet occupied by silicon-based lifeforms, humans would only need to spend enough time to expand their scientific knowledge on silicon.

    By giving the example of the habitats in which children all around the world prefer to live and stating that as humans move into cities these preferences have not changed, Wilson concludes that human nature is “the ensemble of hereditary regularities in mental development that bias cultural evolution in one direction as opposed to others and thus connect genes to culture in the brain of every person.”

    Wilson’s key insight into religion is that it is not something external to human experience, but instead, “the brain was made for religion and religion for the brain” for evolutionary purposes. Concretely, “Throughout prehistory and most of history, people needed religion to explain the occurrence of most phenomena around them.” Abstractly, with religion, “all the followers are unified into a vastly extended family, a metaphorical band of brothers and sisters, reliable, obedient to one supreme law, and guaranteed immortality as the benefit of membership.” Wilson believes that at its core, religion is tribalism, a creation story that teaches people that God favors them and that other religions worship the wrong gods and follow the wrong rituals. In this way, religious tribalism is the motivating force behind most conflicts around the world and science shouldn’t avoid religious issues.

    With all the previous chapters, Wilson has argued that humans are one species among millions, with no demonstrable destiny or purpose. He goes on to summarize in the final chapter that such fact means free will exists in the operational sense necessary for sanity and thereby for the perpetuation of the human species. However, he thinks that “genetic adaptations that worked very well for millions of years of hunter-gathered existence but are increasingly a hindrance in a globally urban and technoscientific society.” He believes that these obsolete genetic adaptations, including religion, are comparable to a tolerable parasite to humans and “if the heuristic and analytic power of science can be joined with the introspective creativity of the humanities, human existence will rise to an infinitely more productive and interesting meaning.”

    As an atheist myself, I find Wilson’s approach to decode the meaning of human existence convincing and informative. Like an all seeing eye, he has also indicated what humans as a whole species should do to further explore and expand our meaning of existence – to incorporate the heuristic and analytic power of science into the introspective creativity of the humanities. But what about every human as an individual? From an all seeing eye perspective, there is truth in certain approaches humans can take to expand our meaning of existence, but at the same time, the planet is cooling, the sun is exploding, the universe is cooling. The further back I pull like Wilson does, the more such truth will endure. But when I zoom in a historical period, zoom into a family and zoom into a human brain and a childhood story and a religious experience, I see all the things that are meaningful to that specific person. Every human individual has a fleeting chance to participate in an illusion called “I love my son” or “I feel warm in my religious family”, what difference does it make if this illusion is manipulated by some obsolete genetic adaptation or an actual parasite? If I were to summarize the meaning of human existence, my answer would be it’s the fact that for every individual, every illusion she has experienced and every emotion triggered is the center of the universe.

  • 寻找自己的生态位

    作者:暮岚歌 发布时间:2022-03-29 21:31:41

















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